Cheyne Capital has chosen TeamSeer software to manage administrative overheads

London - Tuesday, 8th July 2008. In common with many businesses, Cheyne Capital had no formal means of managing team absence, resulting in individual teams creating wall planners or spreadsheets of their own. Tracking and approval of holidays was carried out informally via email, with no reliable way for managers to avoid holiday clashes between individuals, check holiday entitlement or monitor the number of days spent on activities such as client networking.

All too often, managers would find themselves stranded, with several key staff out of the office at the same time, meaning staff either had to cancel business trips and holidays, or work unnecessary overtime. 'What did it for me was the point where all our credit analysts were planning to be out three days straight,' said John Weiss Manager of Cheyne Capital's Credit Team. If we could have clearly seen what everyone was up to, we'd have avoided the whole issue'.

Cheyne Capital looked for a solution that was simple to use and capable of showing, at-a-glance, whether clashes in schedules were likely to cause problems. Simply installed and configured, TeamSeer now provides Cheyne Capital's managers and staff with a definitive grasp on day-to-day absences, strengthens team management and clarifies internal communication.

TeamSeer integrates with Microsoft Outlook Calendar to provide a collaborative environment with 'at a glance' visibility of team availability. 'With TeamSeer, each member of staff can now see planned absence for the whole team. As such, the number of potential clashes is reduced in the first place,' commented Jonathan Griffin, Business Manager at Cheyne Capital. But most importantly for team managers, any clashes that do occur are made evident before approval is given. They know who is where and when, at their fingertips. 'This new perspective is a big boost. TeamSeer has become central to our ability to plan', added Griffin.

Author: Cheyne Capital

About the author:
Cheyne Capital is one of Europe's leading alternative asset managers. Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP is authorised and regulated by the UK FSA and, along with other parts of the group, is a registered investment adviser with the US SEC.

Article source: Free Management Articles.


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