How DISC Assessment Can Help to Reduce Turnover

6:19 AM

DISC assessment offers a holistic approach to hiring and recruiting potential employees. Deciding if an employee would be a suitable fit for a given team dynamic can often be pre-determined with the assistance of DISC assessment. Reducing turnover rate is an ongoing challenge for many companies. Keeping employees satisfied is crucial to maintaining a dedicated team, yet it has unfortunately become an increasingly problematic concern for many companies. Leveraging the results of these evaluations is an effective tool for creating a successful and happily motivated employee, team, and company.

Employee dissatisfaction is one of the primary reasons that companies experience high turnover rates. False promises, mundane tasks, and lack of opportunity motivate people to seek new and more rewarding positions. People want to know that they are contributing to the success of a business and if they are not receiving the feedback or the challenges that they crave, then they waste little time in switching companies. DISC assessment can help to reduce turnover rate by providing employers and recruiters with insight into the needs, thoughts, and motivational factors of each of their employees.

By understanding the mindsets, and personal and professional goals of your employees, you will be able to more effectively highlight and utilize the personality traits and skills of a particular person. Hiring and training new talent takes up both time and money. Companies typically prefer to go through these processes as infrequently as possible. DISC assessment provides a solid basis for determining how to optimally use an employee's strengths in order to help a team achieve its goals. By finding proper talent and cultivating a successful team dynamic the first time around, you can easily reduce your turnover rate.

DISC assessment can help employees in leadership positions to allocate projects and tasks in an effective manner. If an employee is responsible for tasks that he or she feels confident in completing, then overall success rates are likely to be consistently high, while attitudes, dispositions, and demeanors are likely to be consistently positive. Employers tend to believe that people that have held multiple positions in a shorter time frame are less committed to their jobs and may not be as serious about their professional goals and ambitions as those that may begrudgingly remain in a position for a number of years. However, this just may be the exact opposite of traits that dissatisfied employees would willingly exemplify. Switching positions on a more frequent basis more likely represents a sector of people that are not being challenged as much as they should be or those that are not receiving opportunities that best suit their abilities.

DISC assessment services clearly boast a vast array of effective learning tools for employees and employers alike. While salary is always a concern for dedicated and motivated employees, it is likely not the only factor in bringing them happiness within the workplace. People need to be challenged and pushed in order to reach and achieve higher potential. If a company can continually provide its employees with appropriate challenges and unique learning opportunities, then the company turnover rate should be successfully reduced.

Author: Jim Guerci

About the author:
About 'Your Ultimate Success, Inc' at
Founded in 2005, Your Ultimate Success, Inc. has been providing companies, corporations and individuals with coaching, behavioral and values assessments, team building, job benchmarking, and indoor/outdoor experiential learning/team building. Headed by Jim and Jeannine Guerci, the team is committed to instilling positive change through personal and professional development.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Preparation for Lean Manufacturing

6:19 AM

It seems that every manufacturing company is now trying to adapt the Lean Philosophy, invented and mastered by Toyota Corporation. Lean manufacturing has also spilled over into non manufacturing industries. Unfortunately, many companies don't completely understand the true meaning of Lean Manufacturing. Lean Manufacturing, simply put, is 'continuously improving your processes to eliminate waste'. This sounds simple, but many companies will fail to become truly Lean because they don't have an environment to implement and maintain Lean.

Most people believe Lean is just a set of tools (One Piece Flow, JIT, Kan-Ban, 5S, Six-Sigma, Kaizen Teams, Push / Pull Systems, etc.) that can be used to cut waste. However, Lean is not only a set of tools, it is a culture. If a company has severe issues with employee turnover, employee morale, product quality, product delivery, equipment uptime, plant housekeeping, etc., it will be extremely difficult to shift the employees to a new way of thinking and conducting business. In other words, if your employees are in constant fire fighting mode, they will not be able to properly implement Lean.

Fix the obvious problems first

To prepare for Lean, you must 'fix the obvious problems first'. Many times employers will know exactly what the problems and solutions are. They just don't have the time, resources, or incentive to fix them. If you have an automobile that is constantly breaking down because of a bad transmission, then fix it! Repair or replace the transmission. Do not implement a Lean Strategy to fix the car. Just fix it. Lean is not used to fix broken processes. Lean is used to continuously improve working processes to eliminate waste. When all the obvious problems are fixed on that vehicle, it's then time to fine tune it to become more efficient. It's time to look at ways to cut waste (cost) to ultimately save money!

A Word about Six-Sigma

Some companies now mandate that Six-Sigma be used to fix problems. Unfortunately, Six-Sigma isn't always used correctly. Six-Sigma is intended to solve complex problems that have numerous variables that cause variation in a process, which ultimately cause defects. Six-Sigma uses statistics to systematically identify what the different variables are doing in the process and points to potential solutions. It eliminates guessing as to what's causing the variations. Again, fix the obvious problems first. Many problems don't have to be analyzed to detect solutions. In many instances, the solutions are obvious: i.e., If the light bulb is blown, then, change the light bulb.

Value Your People

Society generally refers to companies as entities. We speak of IBM, GM, and Microsoft as entities; however, they are really groups of people. GM doesn't build cars, the employees of GM build cars.

To develop that culture as successfully as Toyota Corporation has, companies must first realize that they have to develop, nurture and value their employees. In order to build a culture of people wanting to continuously improve, people have to be engaged in their jobs. They have to feel valued by the company. They have to feel they are noticed and rewarded for their contributions. Ultimately, the company has to value having low employee turnover to create consistency. A company with high employee turnover cannot maintain a successful Lean environment.

To foster this type of environment in today's business world isn't easy. There is low loyalty between U.S. companies and their employees for a variety of reasons. Some companies look at employees as an expense rather that an asset that can be easily cut. If employees of a company do not feel the company values them, they will find other jobs. With today's business world, it's difficult to implement a long term Lean strategy. Yes, a company can dictate to it's employees to use Lean tools to cut waste, however, to sustain that ideology long term require an engaged, loyal, consistent, work force.

Develop and Retain Strong Leaders

Good managers are coaches, poor managers are dictators. A good manager will believe in the team concept where every member of the team is important and his/her opinions are valued. A good manager will value his/her employees and realize that for him/her to be successful, the team has to be successful. A poor manger will dictate to his/her employees, which creates havoc! A good, efficient, business unit with high employee morale will fall apart within weeks if a poor manager has taken over. Poor managers fail because they don't have strong leadership skills. They lack people skills, communication skills, decision making skills, and delegation skills necessary to develop and maintain effective teams. A strong leader must sell the Lean Strategy and realize that ultimately the employees as a team are the ones to make it happen.

Think and act World Class (even if not there yet!)

To become Lean is to become World Class. When walking into a facility that has an unclean, unorganized work environment, one knows he/she haven't walked into a World Class facility. There is no need to look at the productivity numbers to determine whether or not the facility is World Class. If a plant is World Class, it looks World Class as soon as you walk into the door.

A Lean facility is thoroughly organized. Every process is clearly defined via standards. Production is operated via very clear Visual Management. A true World Class facility has the discipline to sustain organization. Outside auditors, potential customers and employees will be turned off if the work environment isn't clean and organized. Keeping a work area clean and organized is simple; however, many companies overlook this simple task.

Make Decisions Based on Logic and Not Politics

Most of the time decisions made senior management are implemented without questioning regardless if the decisions make sense or not. Too many times, decisions are made by senior management without them fully understanding the process and issues. Lower-level managers ultimately implement ideas and strategies that are not based on logic but politics. They will implement ideas even if they themselves do not believe in them. This can create numerous problems which makes implementing Lean Strategies difficult.

Decisions should be made throughout the organization through effective communication. Senior management should not just mandate, but sell their ideas and be open to questioning and suggestions from lower-level managers. Senior management should fully understand the issues and processes by effectively communicating with the managers at the different levels. Major decisions whenever possible should be made as a team vs. an individual.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Many Kinds Of Banks - Many Kinds Of Accounts

6:19 AM

Sometimes looking into opening an account or accounts in banks can be confusing. There are so many types of banks and bank accounts! Which banks are right for you to open anaccount in? Which types of accounts do you need to open? Below are some simple explanations of several types of banks and the accounts you can open. One will surely be right for you!

There are many kinds of banks:

1. Savings Banks - these banks can also be called 'Thrifts', and are businesses that are for-profit. Savings Banks take deposits of money, invest that money, and pay the depositor interest out of the money made from those investments. Some Savings Banks give credit to depositors.

2. Credit Unions - these banks are non-profit financial institutions. A Credit Union is owned and controlled by those doing business there. Membership is needed to get into a Credit Union, normally determined by where the person works, their location, or possibly where the go to church.

3. Commercial Banks - these banks used to only deal with businesses, but have extended their services to individuals. Commercial banks offer individuals most of the same services as other types of banks.

4. Savings & Loans - these banks usually provide savings accounts. Money deposited into these banks is then loaned out to local residents in the community, normally for home loans.

5. Investment Banks - these banks do just what the name says�they invest. Investment Banks buy and sell stocks and bonds and give investment advice to its clients. These banks do not accept deposits, make loans, and are not insured by the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Company).

There are many kinds of accounts:

1. Savings account - this type of account is probably the most basic account offered by banks. You deposit money into a savings account and earn interest on that deposit based on the APR, or Annual Percentage Rate.

2. Checking account - this type of account allows for depositing, withdrawal, and the writing of 'checks' to pay bills and for purchases. Many banks now offer ATM or debit cards along with the standard checkbook when you open a checking account.

3. Certificate of Deposit - this type of account, also known as a CD, is for deposit only. You don't touch the money deposited in a CD for an agreed upon amount of time, ranging from 6 months to several years, and you will earn a guaranteed amount of interest. If you do withdraw the money before the agreed upon date, many banks will charge you a fee.

4. Money Market account - this type of account is similar to a savings account. The interest rate of a money market account is higher than the traditional savings account, but the minimum balance is typically $10,000 or more!

These are the basic kinds of banks and accounts available. Look around, and shop around, for a bank that is right for you.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Helping Others Help Themselves

6:19 AM

Entrepreneurs and small businesspeople who employ others often - and for good reason - take their role as an employer very seriously. They feel responsible to the people who work for them, in terms of providing not only and income for the present, but in providing a vehicle to a prosperous and secure future as well. Very often in a small business the employees become part of the family, and decisions are made often with their best interests in mind instead of the owner or entrepreneur's interests. This is a very noble approach, but it is also not a very realistic one.

As the economy declines and businesses everywhere struggle to cope with declining revenues and increasing costs, difficult decisions must either be made or are on the horizon. Because the cost of labor - and related expenses such as taxes, health care, and a laundry list of other benefits -is one of the most expensive items on a profit loss statement, when businesses are forced to reduce costs, it is often necessary to start with employees. Even though from an operational or financial perspective it is the right thing to do, many entrepreneurs and small-business owners have a very difficult time with it. Firing an employee or handing out pink slips is never an easy or enjoyable task.

Making hard decisions is one of the things an entrepreneur or small-business person must do on a daily basis. The decision to let an employee go - particularly a long-term or highly valued one - is a very difficult decision to make. Nevertheless if the survival of the business is at stake, it is a step that one simply has to make. For this reason, many entrepreneurs who feel the need to help other people are doing it in a different way. They have realized that particularly in today's economy, being an employer is a challenging role. Instead, they are moving to a situation where they can provide advice and assistance to people without actually employing them. By creating a virtual team of like-minded people who are all working toward a common goal, the same satisfaction can be derived as one would get from employing people, without the financial commitment and the emotional challenges.

Very often, network marketing opportunities provide this type of solution. An organization formed of like-minded entrepreneurs each responsible for his or her own destiny, yet working together to achieve a common goal, can provide a very powerful and viable solution to facing the current economic challenges.

Author: Scot Poole

About the author:

Scot Poole and his team have helped entrepreneurs build online empires.
He shares powerful tips, ideas and secrets about achieving success and building
massive wealth as he and his team assist lawyers, nurses, firemen and teachers
build multiple 6 figure incomes from the comfort of their homes. For more info and
to contact Scot, visit:

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Your Very First Steps To Outsourcing

6:19 AM

Eventhough the concept of outsourcing has been around for years, its implementation often incorrect and misled.

Outsourcing is NOT about having jobs done by other parties.

Outsourcing is about having the best talent and resource to do some tasks, so you can concentrate on more strategic ones.

The distinction is obvious. Your strategic tasks is the most important things you need them to be done to grow your business. You do not want to be distracted by other repetitive tasks you can outsource to third parties. However, if you select those parties carelessly, you may jeopardize your business entirely. On the other hand, if you put your outsourced tasks on the hand of the best expert you can find, you may even increase your productivity.

If you have no experience in outsourcing, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine which task is strategic and which one is not.
2. Outsource non strategic tasks.
3. Do your research to find third parties with the best talents and resources.
4. Don't be cheapy. You always get what you pay for.
5. Do some testing and observe the outsource results. If you find those third parties are not what they have told you, fire them.
6. Consider to use media to attract talents.
7. You may need to write 'help needed' ads to attract talents.
8. Outsource that copywriting task, too.
9. Do your strategic tasks to find the way to win your business
10. Once you find the way, find best talent and resources to do it.

With that process, sooner or later you will find the difference between outsourcing and out tasking. The later is when you get your tasks done by other parties regardless of their capability and talent. They just do what they have to do. Sure, you get your tasks done. But the results do not give any contribution to your productivity.

One thing you should understand about strategic thinking. Thinking strategically is about finding any possible ways to win. So, your strategic tasks are activities in finding ways to win. Once you find the way, find the best talent and resources to do it and make it happen. That's outsourcing.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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2009: Make It A Great Year!

6:19 AM

I would like to share with you a process we do with our clients, at the beginning of every new year, to support them in having the year be more productive, more successful and more satisfying than it otherwise would be. The process is based on two fundamental principles which determine the success of an organization. The first principle is that nature abhors a vacuum and, by creating a vacuum in your company or firm, you create a space for the things you want to come into your experience. The second principle is the principle of alignment discussed in detail in the article entitled The X Factor: Alignment. Simply stated, this principle says that the success of an organization is directly a function of the degree to which the people in it are aligned on a common objective. Said another way, every successful enterprise consists of a group of people working together on behalf of future they have all committed themselves to.

With these two principles in mind, the purpose of this process is to complete 2008 and align everyone in your company on your objectives for 2009. This process should be done as soon as possible after the first of the year, because dragging things from 2008 into 2009 will, in and of itself, sabotage any intentions that you have for 2009. Also, not having all of the members of your company aligned on your goals for 2009 will rob your organization of its power.

Completing 2008

If you have a set of commitments, objectives or goals for 2008, the first step would be, in a group session, to read those commitments, objectives or goals out loud. The next step would be to have everyone acknowledge their accomplishments for 2008. There is no room in this discussion for any 'yeah, buts' or 'if, onlys,' just the acknowledgment of accomplishments. Next, have everyone acknowledge what occurred in 2008 that was a source of pleasure. Then, have everybody express their disappointments, unfulfilled expectations, thwarted intentions and sources of displeasure in 2008. It is really important that everyone express everything .

The next question for everyone is: 'Who do you need to forgive and for what?' It is crucial that people be willing to forgive themselves and each other for whatever happened that was a source of upset. The next question is: 'Who do you need to thank and for what?' When we do this in a group, it is usually the most inspiring part of the process as people go around the room and thank each other for all of the wonderful things that happened during the year. By the way, don't forget to thank yourself.

The next question is simply: 'Is there anything else you need to say about 2008 in order to be complete?' Whatever is necessary to be said to be complete will be readily apparent. The final step is simply to declare yourself complete.

Designing Objectives/Commitments

The next question for the group is: 'Standing in your vision for the future (i.e., your purpose and strategic objectives) and looking at your present circumstances from there, what shows up as missing?' In other words, what you want to do is to compare your present circumstances to your vision for the future and see what's missing. Not what is bad or wrong, because those terms involve judgments which defeat the purpose of this process, simply what is missing. The idea here is simply to make a list of what you see to be missing.

The subsequent question is: 'Standing in your accomplishments and in your vision for the future, what shows up as possible?' In other words, given what you accomplished in 2008 and given your vision for the future, and given everything else, what do you and the other members of the group consider to be possible? Allow yourself to freely speculate and come up with a wide range of possibilities. Even allow yourself to be silly and frivolous. Again, there is no room in this discussion for any 'yeah, buts' or 'how could we possibly do that?', just an opportunity for everybody to speculate about what they feel is possible for the future of your firm. Again, all you want to do at this point is make a list.

Now it is time to get down to the matter of commitments. A commitment is not a hope, dream or wish. It is not a goal to write down, stick in a drawer and hope you'll obtain. A commitment is something that you'll organize your life around and work seriously towards the fulfillment of. It is not something that you should do, it is not even necessarily something you want to do. A commitment is something that will forward you in the fulfillment of your vision. As an aside, the reason why most New Year's resolutions aren't fulfilled is because they are mostly a hope or a wish, not something that people authentically commit themselves to. In this process, we're looking for authentic commitments that your company will work on throughout 2009.

Another thing not to be concerned about is how you will fulfill on the commitments. The nature of commitments is that they create the how for themselves and most people don't know that. So, don't let the fact that you don't know how you will fulfill on a commitment stop you from making the commitment.

The next question for the group is: 'Standing in the possibility for the future and looking from here, what are we committed to accomplishing in 2009?' Answering this question involves four steps. The first step is to simply let the members of the group freely generate what they would like the company to commit itself to for 2009. After all of the commitments are generated, the second step is to re-read the list of possibilities for the future and see if the group wants to commit itself to those possibilities for 2009. You will find that many of the possibilities are still possibilities, but the group is unwilling to commit itself to them for the coming year.

When this is done, the third step is to go back over the list of 'what's missing' and see if a commitment has been made which handles the missings. So, for example, if a missing was '4 satellite offices' and the group committed to opening up 1 satellite office in 2009, that 'missing' would no longer be missing. Similarly, if 15 sales people were missing and the group committed to adding 4 in 2009, again, that missing would be handled.

What now results is a list of commitments for the year. The final step is to re-read aloud all of the commitments, one at a time, to make sure everyone is willing to put all of their energy behind the fulfillment of each commitment. If not, don't include it on your list of commitments because nothing will happen if the commitment doesn't have the group's undivided support.

The final question for the group is: 'What does the future look like from here?' This question gives the members of the group an opportunity to express their enthusiasm about what they have accomplished in this process.

Author: Scott Hunter

About the author:
Scott Hunter works with CEO's and senior management teams to create breakthrough outcomes and extraordinary performance by transforming the paradigm within which companies operate. He is the author of the ground-breaking book, Unshackled Leadership.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Recognition By The Happy Wanderer

6:20 AM

Quin Jerome is Sales Director with a clothing company. He is a talented talker and entertains major clients on a regular basis. One summer he was deputizing while the CEO was on vacation and found an entry in his planner that just said '11.00 - 12.00 Wander'. The CEO's PA clarified that it meant walking the production floor to talk with the machinists. 'But I don't know what to say to them!' said the gifted raconteur.

Curiosity is the real key to uncovering performance that deserves recognition. Managing by wandering about (MBWA) is a technique first recognized in the 1980's by quality guru Tom Peters. He found that some successful organizations got that way by encouraging managers to get away from behind their desks on a regular basis. With the emphasis on wandering, which is a slow process of following your nose, you will find yourself being drawn towards areas of the business you might not otherwise visit.

You may find yourself speaking to people who are hidden away from the light of day and by asking the who, what, where, when, why and how you'll discover things about your own business that would never have been revealed to you otherwise. It's not that your managers are hiding anything; they just want to let you know what they think is important and they edit out what they consider to be trivia.

Unfortunately one man's trivia is another man's hero's journey and these examples represent the acorns that you will want to nourish. How can well focused behavior be copied by others in the company if it is not captured, highlighted and praised?

MBWA is in itself a form of recognition. If the senior woman or man can spend some of their valuable time talking to employees and asking their opinions, the employees must have value. This feeling can be reinforced by asking your people for their opinion about management decisions, company policy and rumors. Keep an open mind about their answers, understand their perspective and calm their uncertainties.

Simple questions can open up enormous opportunities. 'What one thing could I do to help you with your job?' will always get a cheeky answer about swapping salaries but is usually followed up with the really simple stuff like: 'We need better lighting', or, 'We need an electric fan in the summer', or, 'Can I replace the missing wheel on my chair?'; none of which will break the bank but all of which will improve their work experience.

Asking 'What and who makes a difference to the performance of your department?' will start to reveal some of the activities that should be emulated throughout the business. People will be named who are seen as role-models in their approach to their work and to their colleagues. Remember that work is not all about hard graft. A good proportion of work is a social experience which should be as good humored and pleasant as possible to bring out the best qualities of your employees.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Business Classes: What Can They Do For You?

6:20 AM

Business classes are a great way to learn. Not only do they teach you how to run a business inside and out but they also help you to prepare for personal experiences as well. But, before we get into that, let's discuss just what business classes are. You can take them as part of a college degree program or you can take them as individual classes to help you learn the things covered in the class. What you will find is that there are many choices to consider in business classes.

Some of the things that you are likely to learn in business classes include the very basics of business such as how it works and why it works like that. You will learn about developing concepts that are unique, marketing, hiring and staffing effectively, becoming an effective leader as well as classes in business communications and diversity. This is only the very beginning of what these classes can hold.

You will also take business financing classes. These classes are an excellent way for you to learn to manage the money that comes in and goes out of your business. Carefully planning the day to day expenses as well as the long term goals is what is necessary in business and these classes can help. You can take this knowledge and apply it to your own life as well. Personal experiences in financial contracts can be helped when it comes to the knowledge you will receive through business classes.

There is a lot to learn. If you are interested in finding out what business classes can do for you, just think about what you would like to learn and then find classes that are offered in that area. You will find a wide range of products available to help you learn such as courses from local and state colleges as well as universities. You will find a wide range of options offered by community colleges as well. What's holding you back from getting in some business classes that will likely drive you to the next level in business?

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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High Performance Mastery: Top 7 Principles For Transforming Your Business From Mediocre To Great

6:20 AM

In the words of motivational speaker, Les Brown -- 'You don't have to be great to get started, but you do have o get started to be great.' Where do you start to transform your business from mediocre to great?

Below are your top 7 essential ingredients for cultivating greatness within your own business:

More than ever, today, customers don't just ask 'what products do you offer?' They also ask 'what values do you stand for?' What values does your business stand for? What practices have you developed to live those values daily?

Viktor Frankl, the great Austrian psychiatrist, said it best: 'Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue ... as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.' For what 'transcendent' purpose does your business exist? How does your business make a difference in your customers' lives?

In 1954, Roger Bannister did the seemingly 'impossible' and ran the first 4 minute mile. When asked how he did it, he said 'It's the ability to take more out of yourself than you've got.'' How can you 'take more out of yourself than you've got' to achieve the seemingly impossible in your business?

Contrarians are the change agents in the business world. These wealth-building businesses are not simply 'executing better' -- they're radically changing the rules of the success game in their field or industry. Where in your business can you break the rules? How can you set yourself apart from the crowd in your industry?

Within every industry, every geography, every career path, there are examples of greatness everywhere. Find those people, those businesses that inspire you the most. What is it about them you would like to emulate? What changes can you make today to be like them?

Great businesses **decide** their future. They are not dictated by it. They know exactly where they want to be, by when, how, and then persist in getting there. What decisions have you made about your business future? What do you need to decide differently in order to have a great outcome?

Your business is a direct reflection of where you are at. It only grows as quickly as you do. To build a great business, you must commit to your own personal greatness. How do you define personal greatness for yourself? What changes can you make to unleash your own greatness?

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Used Equipment - Staying Off the Bleeding Edge.

6:19 AM

Everywhere you turn,, Americans are bombarded by the media's coverage of the latest technological breakthroughs. From high definition panels built into refrigerators to key chain fobs that will chirp their location on demand. Don't get me wrong, technology is fantastic. Anything to make life easier is welcome and embraced. The problem arises when your personal addiction to the latest gadgets starts to cloud your judgment on business purchasing decisions.

I have seen this time after time. When presented with two alternatives to solve a company's need, all too often a decision maker will opt for a more expensive, high tech product over a time proven solution. Akin to adding seat warmers to your Florida commuter vehicle, these choices may make you feel good at the time of purchase but do little to enhance the company's bottom line.
Even armed with comprehensive ROI statistics reflecting the contrary, some executives still choose to spend more and get less just to have the latest technology.

To make matters worse, some even jump into the 'bleeding edge' technology. So named because the science is so new and untested that the buyer becomes the guinea pig and suffers all the associated expense of troubleshooting the new concepts. Not to be confused with the 'leading edge' where products and concepts have at least been tried and proven but still retain the price gap over 'old tech'. These super high-tech purchases are almost always based on emotions and hype not the hard facts, or at least not all the facts. Otherwise the newest, exorbitantly priced products would find very few homes with steadfast, bottom-line conscientious managers.

A very good example of this can be found in the industrial fabricating market. Any shop experiencing growth is faced with the choice of buying new machinery or locating quality used or rebuilt equipment. Considering equivalent machines, it is amazing how often the nod goes to a new machine. Even with a price tag of potentially hundreds of thousands higher, and long lead times, new machinery is moving at a steady clip. Although tax consequences play a role in these purchases, it is a tough task to re-coup a 100% price increase by tax write-offs.

The mechanical make-up of a typical machine tool further adds to the argument of buying rebuilt equipment. In it's simplest form, a machine tool consists of a frame, drives, servos and a computerized control. A good frame is essentially timeless and like a good wine, can become better with age. Add to this frame some new drives, servos and a PC based controller and you have essentially a new machine. Sometimes with better performance than a fresh one rolling out of the factory. Now I ask again, why pay a 100% premium for a new machine.

If service and warranty play a major role in the decision making process, look to reputable reseller and you will probably find technicians that are former employees of and trained by the OEMs. A good reseller will have complete confidence in their rebuilds and provide a comprehensive warranty that may exceed the OEM warranty in duration and response time.

We all know of the savings to be enjoyed by purchasing a used automobile yet we still but new cars for reasons of pride. Capital expenditures should not be an emotional decision. Gather as much information as possible to compare both new used equipment that will accomplish your goals now and into the future. And make sure your supplier will provide the warranty and service you would expect from new equipment. Then sit back, relax, enjoy your enhanced bottom line and revel in the fact that you made the right decision.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Retooling The Hiring Process For Today's Market

6:19 AM

As the Baby Boomer generation exits the workforce steadily over the next 10 years, sourcing new candidates will become a tenuous task. Companies that understand the impending scarcity of candidates and can retool their process will have a marked advantage in acquiring talent.

One key to properly retooling will shift the current focus from experience to talent. This fundamental change will be precipitated by the need to develop talent as opposed to hiring experience. The experienced candidate will become a product of a supply and demand marketplace. There will be more demand with less supply which leads to increased wages. The highly successful, extremely experienced candidate will be able to take a free agent approach to their job search. They will be able to select from multiple offers and leverage the best overall package.

There is nothing new in this market-driven scenario except for one item. The supply will be greatly diminished which will put incredible pressures on the compensation packages. However, companies will have an alternative to the bidding war - hire for talent and develop for strength.

This shift in hiring focus will require an 'outside the box' approach to candidate screening. The first step will be to wean the process off of the 20th century approach of placing an ad, receiving and reviewing resumes and qualifying candidates with a face-to-face interview. This 3 step process is riddled with vulnerabilities.

First off, the sheer number of responses will surely decrease let alone the quality of the applicants. Gone are the days of simply placing an ad in the Sunday edition of the local newspaper and collecting the overwhelming responses. Some online ads return volumes of resumes, but the applicants' qualifications are often completely misaligned. Properly written online ads provide fewer responses but a higher quality of fit to the position.

Second, the majority of resumes (some statistics state >75%) contain embellishments of some form. Using these embellished, sometimes fictional documents to sort applicants is similar to building your house on shifting sands. The entire premise is flawed from the start. The resume elicits experience-based decisions which are less than reliable. The applicants' embellished industry experience is weighted grossly higher in comparison to their true talent and abilities.

Finally, face-to-face interviews are needed in any hiring process, but again, they tend to be used out of sequence for an effective process. Society of Human Resource Management studies have shown that interviewers make candidate decisions within the first 7 minutes of the in-person interview. We are all susceptible to internal biases and blind spots. No interviewer is completely objective.

The aforementioned hiring approach was widely followed in the last century. The onslaught of the Internet, decreasing worker populations and exploding job productivity requirements have made successful hiring the key component of the 21st century.

Retooling a complete hiring process requires a company to release outdated, stereotypical approaches and embrace the tactics needed in today's market. There are 3 steps all companies can integrate into their process today to begin the shift towards a reliable and repeatable hiring strategy.

Phone Screen. This article discusses new approaches to hiring and then leads off with a retro tool! Perhaps we should consider the phone screen a lost art. Oh, but how effective it is. In our own practice, we do not assist companies in hiring salespeople without using the phone screen. In fact, we use some variation of it for all positions - it is that effective. This approach removes many biases that naturally occur in a face-to-face meeting. An effective phone screen can be accomplished in 15-20 minutes which allows for many more to be completed in a day versus the traditional 1 hour, in-person interview.

The phone screen allows the hiring manager to get a better understanding of the applicant's thought process, composure, communication ability and even, to some extent, their fit to the position. This tool is vastly more effective for pre-screening candidates than sorting resumes into yes and no piles.

Job Rewards. Remember the days when newspaper ads were riddled with acronyms and abbreviations to save on cost? There were literary artists who could describe an engineering job in 50 words or less. Those days are gone, yet we still see the occasional online ad written in that manner. One might as well place 'dinosaur' in the ad's title.

Today's young job seekers value balance in their work life. Their rewards are less centered on material wealth accumulation. They still work to earn money, but they are greatly influenced by the job's rewards. How will they personally grow in the position? What skills will they develop? How would you describe the company culture? These topics can easily be added to any online job posting since space is no longer a fiscal limitation. The candidates who respond to this information will have a strong interest in learning more about the role and typically will have a reinforced skill set that matches the position's needs.

Objective Assessments. There are amazing tools available in the market today that will measure intrinsic traits in a candidate that not even the most skillful interviewer can ascertain. As previously stated, all interviewers bring biases to the process. Two techniques to limit these biases are the incorporation of objective tools and the delayed introduction of an interviewer's bias into the process.

Candidates should be assessed before an in-person interview. The EEOC encourages this approach in all hiring processes. A validated assessment tool given to viable candidates provides a strong insulator for any hiring process. The tests do not introduce biases and generate objective information.

A secondary, powerful benefit to using assessments before interviews is that it changes the focus of the in-person interview. The interviewer now has reliable data about the candidate that can be explored within the context of the interview. The interview is shifted from the candidate mindlessly regurgitating previous work experience to an exploration into their talent areas and potential vulnerabilities in direct relation to the position for which they have applied.

Most companies have seen the significant shift in hiring that has occurred with the advent of Internet-based technology over the past 10 years. This fundamental realignment has already rooted itself into the economy. The next seismic shift is already underway as the Baby Boomer generation begins its exit from the full-time workforce. Companies that adjust their hiring process and adapt to the changing landscape will ensure their success in the evolving 21st century marketplace.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Corporate Team Building Events: Throw 'Distancing' to a Distance

6:20 AM

If someone just studies a few recent corporate recruitment advertisements, there will be at least one thing he or she will find common in almost all of them. The recruiters are putting much emphasis on hiring a one-team man rather than a one-man team, in the management category at least.

In accordance to this shift, the office atmosphere is changing too. CEOs of the companies at present are accessible to general employees more than ever before. The visual distance is cut short. Office decorations are changing with more and more interlinked and free sitting arrangements. At this age, one can never ignore the psychological affect on human beings created by the respective surroundings.

The corporate houses these days are spending huge amounts to unite the workforce into an active team. Active and spontaneous participation of employees in both internal and external affairs of the company and even in the decision making process are regarded as the path of progress.

The main problem in the corporate team building process namely 'distancing' is predominantly inherent in employees' as well as in the employer's psyche. It is one of the basic instincts of human beings.

The primary team building process is constantly fighting to throw away 'distancing' to a great distance. The ideal corporate team building events concentrate on bringing together employees who do not always get the chance to come in close, if not in personal contact with each other.

The prime ideological stand is that, if an employee does not know his or her co-workers then he or she cannot actively participate to boost up the company profile and morale as a whole. It is all about fixing the SELF, not into the category called OTHER, but under the umbrella named WE.

The corporate event management companies divide the employees into various groups. Apparently, it seems that the process is breaking the basic notion of team building activities, but in fact, it just adds to the notion.

The participants here never feel rivalry among themselves. They are conscious that it is merely a game though they need to win. Thus, they fail to concentrate on the issue that it is a part of the team building exercise tailored by the company. This lack of concentration on the subtle issue ultimately does the trick. The idea of the team is built in the consciousness of the participant that excludes the visual divisions.

The job is done.

However, a Corporate Hospitality Company must be cautious of the standard and socio-cultural background of the participants. Otherwise, the whole process may go in vain.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Managing Your Workday Interruptions

6:20 AM

Staying focused is vital to accomplishing your goals and being productive. During the workday, several interruptions may keep you from getting your job done. How should you deal with these types of interruptions?

1. Non work calls to your cell phone.

Unless you use your cell phone in your work, keep it turned off so that personal calls go to voicemail. Return urgent calls during a break in your work. Everything else can be returned in your free time.

It's important to let your friends and family know that you don't want to be bothered with calls at work unless it's an emergency. Once you stop answering calls at all times of the day, they'll get the hint.

2. Co-workers stopping to 'chat.'

If a co-worker stops to chat and you're busy doing something, kindly tell them that you're in the middle of a project and that you will stop by to see them when you get a minute. If you're not busy, it's ok to chat a bit if your company allows it. This can build camaraderie and good working relationships. You can always cut idle conversation short with the simple phrase, 'I need to get back to work!'

3. People coming into your office or to your desk asking questions while you're working or maybe even while you are eating lunch.

Example - 'This will just take five minutes.'

Consider saying this, 'I want to give you my undivided attention, so let me finish this work item, or Big Mac, and then I'll stop by to see you.'

As with the 'chat' interruption above, this allows you to control the time you invest when you actually do connect because you'll be at their workspace. You can walk away when you're done and not get trapped in your own office or cubicle.

4. Handling e-mails or instant messaging.

Unless you need to regularly check e-mail in order to manage the tasks you're working on, I suggest checking it no more than 3 times a day. Once when you get to work to see if there is anything urgent for the start of that day, once before going to lunch and again at about 3:30 PM to process replies before the end of your workday. Also, consider disabling the alarm that announces arriving e-mail.

Keep your instant messaging turned off unless you use it in your work. In that case, react only to those messages that are urgent. Deal with less important messages when you're not in the middle of a project.

5. Working on multiple projects.

Studies have shown that multi-tasking is actually counterproductive. Key in on one project at a time. You'll be more effective at getting it done in less time, and you'll do a better job on it. Your mental and creative energy will be focused and not distracted by what the other tasks may be demanding. Also, the sense of accomplishment from completing one task will energize you for the next project.

We all deal with interruptions in our workday, so it's up to us to manage them. Hopefully, these tips will help you remain more focused and productive.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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How to Make Friends and Avoid Enemies

6:20 AM

Over the past few years an epidemic of rudeness has swept America. Here's how to stop the disease.

1) Acknowledge people. Answer the phone. Return phone calls. Listen carefully when people talk to you. Be an active participant in conversations. Never use your cell phone when with others, especially in restaurants or other public places. Remember: acknowledgment satisfies a basic human need.

2) Show respect. Use people's names when talking to them. Never invent nicknames or make fun of people's names. Be on time. Treat people as if they were smarter than you. Let others speak first. Remember: respect is powerful because it gives people dignity.

3) Compliment. Seek the good in everything. Avoid gossip and people who gossip. Remind people about successes they had, even if decades ago. Focus on what works and what went well. Remember: warmth, attracts people.

4) Be positive. Master optimism. Accept change and new ideas. Always focus on success. Expect the best to happen. Think in terms of the future and how you can make it better. Use positive (or at least neutral) words. Remember: leaders sell hope.

5) Be mature. Manage your emotions. Speak softly. Seek solutions. Let other people do well. Let people tell you things that you know. Let other people win. Share information. Remember: mature behavior creates trust.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Introduction to 4D Modeling and Construction Planning

6:19 AM

Pre and Post construction planning of building projects pause more challenges due to complexity in design and short timelines. Further, very limited tools are available to team members to integrate the visual representations of construction site with the progress of time, which results into more dependency on the team member's experience and imagination. In the study, the 4D Model has been developed with the hope that it will allow the planners to visualize the construction with the extra dimension of time at the planning stage itself without even starting the real work and thereby removing the flaws that might have been left out in the construction plan. The results obtained from the deployment of 4D Model for a small project are encouraging. It has the potential to show potential conflicts in a construction site and is capable to perform 'what-if' analysis which finally helps to improve the project planning and project executing strategy.


The position of any point in space is defined by the coordinates (x, y, z). When all the elements of a structure (here building or part of it) are defined in space with the help of 3D coordinates, the result is a 3D model. When the position of the point with respect to time is not fixed, then we need to consider another dimension to describe the structure or system better, the fourth dimension time resulting in a model is known as 4D model.

During the past decades, developments in 3D-CAD technologies have created opportunities for construction planners to use 3D models to manage critical construction information by viewing their static images. However, these 3D models do not have the ability to display the exact status of a particular project at a specified period or time. Hence gives little assistance in controlling the project delays and explain complete status of the project. There is no data integration and interaction between the 3D model, project delays and other data. A 3D CAD model does not capture the reality and the need for a 4D model which can incorporate time also into account would be very much critical. The 4D model not only provides the visual aid, it also allows the manager to perform 'what-if' analysis and view the structure from different angles etc.

4D Modeling and AutoCAD

To get clear idea one has to link 3D model of the structure and construction schedule of the project, so that the status of the project can be easily reviewed in the form of 3D model at any instance of time. The model so developed can assist the planning members in visualizing the details of the construction work at any point of time. This can help them to take better decisions both during the pre and post construction stages. 4D-model construction planning provides a comprehensive information platform for project schedules and site plans to serve the objective of site management and construction planning.

Author: Bims Lee

About the author:
This article is courtesy of a Free Management Articles.

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The Balanced Direct Sales Mom

6:19 AM

If you're already in direct sales, you know that it's not always easy to keep the priorities straight. Particularly when your business is just starting, but also when you get things going at a good clip in your business, direct sales can take on a life of its own and quickly cross the boundaries of happy home life. Here are 10 quick tips for helping to keep the Mom part of your life at the forefront while still running a successful Direct Sales business.

1. Plan - Sit down with your calendar and write out everything non-direct sales business related first. Decide which of those things are non-negotiable no matter how many people want to do parties on that day. And then keep them non-negotiable! Write in kids events, date nights with hubby, vacations, birthdays and birthday parties and plain old 'just because' family time.

2. Power Hour - One of my favorite speakers in the direct sales field is Belinda Ellsworth. Her power hour is a tremendous way to manage your business life. It's simple too! Here's the quick rundown: Take 4 manila folders. Mark 1 as recruiting, 1 as booking, 1 as customer service and 1 as downline management. Decide on an hour in your day when you are going to work the phones for your business. Take your folders, set a timer and work each folder for 15 minutes only. When the 15 minutes is up, move to the next folder. As you interact with customers, recruits and downline put the information in these folders until the next time you sit down for your power hour. You will be amazed at how much work you can really accomplish when you are focused for that hour of time.

3. Office door - Use it! After you are done with your power hour or email time or whatever, walk out of the room and CLOSE the door! Or if you're working with the laptop (see below) turn it off and close the laptop.

4. Get a laptop. A laptop with wireless Internet is a great tool for moms. You can get them pretty inexpensively now too. While the kids are doing their homework, pop open the laptop, sit WITH them and do your emails then. When they're done with the homework, close the laptop and be done with your work as well.

5. Freedom Friday - Decide on one day in each week where you will be 'off'. This can be Friday or any day, but decide on it and then actually do it. Commit to it with your kids, put it on your calendar and enjoy it. You'll love it and the emails can wait! Once your customers and downline understand that this is your day off, they will respect it.

6. Use the 'open date card 'concept. Determine which days of the weeks you'll be doing parties and write those down on a separate booking calendar or individual party date cards. When you are at your parties and getting future bookings only book parties on the dates that you set in advance on that calendar or on the cards. If someone needs a different date than you have available, find her another consultant (preferable in your downline!) to take the party.

7. Automate - Use the tools of the Internet to automate as much of your business as you can. Use an auto-responder for your recruit email packets and your downline training. Have a voicemail message available with a 10-minute presentation on your business that potential recruits can call before they call you with questions. Do conference calls with your downline so that you can address issues with the whole group rather than one on one with each of them, etc.

8. Involve your kids - Make your direct sales business a family affair. Employ your children to help with putting labels on catalogs, filing your paperwork, packing up your supplies for your parties, making the bank deposits, etc. As they get older their work responsibilities can increase too. You can even pay them tax-free and write it off as a legitimate business expense. Talk to your accountant about this great home business benefit.

9. Hire a maid. If your business is really on a roll and you need to spend more time on business, don't take that time away from your family, take it away from other parts of your life, like the housecleaning instead. Hire a maid to do the big housecleaning jobs and use the time you'd normally be doing that to hang with the kids. It'll be worth every penny.

10. Have fun - remember that your kids are only young once. They need you to be mommy FIRST and businesswoman second, even if your family does need the extra money your Direct Sales business brings in. Work smarter, not harder and enjoy your kids while you can.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Appraisals: Learn How To Love Them

6:19 AM

Appraisals have a pretty bad reputation in many organizations. Managers dread having to give them and employees hate having to take them. But by simply focusing on 7 high-value components of appraisals, you can turn them into one of the most important activities you perform� and start to love them. Here are those 7 features.

1. Re-state The Key Areas. Appraisals give managers and employees the chance to re-state the key result areas of the job. These are, quite simply, what people are paid for. For a manager, they might be: Production; Quality; Costs; Safety; Staff. For an engineer, they might be Repair; Maintenance; Installation; Improvements. An appraisal is like the follow-up to a recruitment interview. Just as the recruitment interview at the start of employment looks at the key areas of a job and the person's skills in these areas, so the appraisal at regular intervals throughout employment looks at how key areas have changed and whether the employee's skills need to change with them.

2. Check How They're Doing. Taking time out to review past performance is a necessary step in making plans for the future. Instead of continuing as before, review enables us to stop, think and re-assess. It should be part of any management process. Professor Hal Leavitt, of Chicago University, says that performance improves in relation to the amount and accuracy of feedback received, whether good or bad. When you don't know how well you're doing, you often assume the worst, your confidence drops and down goes your performance.
'The golfer who doesn't count his shots is only there for the walk.'

3. Exchange News. Appraisals that are timed carefully to fit in with the organisation's business cycle can use the appraisal interview to exchange information with individuals. This could be about...
- the big picture: how the organisation has been performing in the period of the review and how it hopes to do in the future
- significant changes that may affect the organisation and individuals
- opportunities for the organisation in the market place
- detailed plans that affect the employee.
Exchanging information about the organisation and the part employees play in it has both practical and motivational value.

4. Recognise Good Work. Managers often spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with problems and problem staff. Appraisals allow them to re-dress the balance and recognize the quiet heroes in their team. To find the quiet heroes on your team, ask yourself...
Who is rarely absent?
Who never says 'No'?
Who enjoys pressure?
Who delivers on time?
Who takes up the slack?
Who doesn't pester for help?
Who is so unassuming you forget they're there?
Who quietly lends others a hand?
Who smoothes conflicts and builds morale?
Who carries on even when the boss is not around?
Who shuns the limelight?
Who never takes the credit?

5. Build People's Confidence. The appraisal process is an opportunity to give people insight into the things they do well. This in turn focuses on their strengths and builds their confidence. To get people thinking about their strengths, ask the following questions:
'What's gone really well this year?'
'What have you enjoyed doing most of all?'
'What have been the best moments?'
'What have you found most satisfying?'
'What things have you picked up quickest?'
'What would you like to spend more time on?'
'Where do you think your strengths lie?'
We can do no greater service as appraisers than awaken people to their true potential.

6. Develop The Boss-Subordinate Relationship. Surveys show that we have a very low level of regular contact with our bosses: 7% to 11% on average which is about half a day a week. Yet, the boss-subordinate relationship is the pivotal relationship that determines how well we perform. When the relationship is bad, performance is likely to be bad and when it is good, performance is likely to be good. The appraisal is therefore an important chance to do some maintenance work on this relationship.

7. Plan The Future. If review follows action in the management cycle, then new plans should follow review. The plans made at the end of a performance appraisal can include...
- plans for immediate action by either the manager or employee
- problem-solving plans to deal with blocks to progress
- project plans based on areas the employee wants to develop
- development plans based on identified potential
- career plans based on matching employee development and organisational opportunities
- lifetime plans.
Appraisal can be the spark that ignites enthusiasm for what is possible. It is what the appraising manager leaves in his or her wake.

For employees, appraisals are big events in their lives. It is the one time in the year when they are center-stage. Practise these 7 steps and you will make their day a red-letter one.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Bookkeeping Services: Let a Professional Handle Your Accounts

6:20 AM

Many use bookkeeping services, especially if they have companies or organizations. Before using this sort of company, make sure it is reputable and follows all rules and guidelines.

Those who have bookkeeping companies help record the value, assets, liabilities, income and expenses in a ledger or journal. The individual will post entries debit and credit entries chronologically in the journal. Those who have companies or organizations usually need bookkeepers. Others decide to use individual or family bookkeepers to track the income and expenses of the family using a register.

Before, these professionals did their services using a paper and pen but now there is advance software which can help with bookkeeping. Many people either use a single entry or double entry system. A single entry system uses information found in the income and expense account while a double entry system forces the individual to post the entry twice as either a debit or a credit. An accountant on the other hand prepares the income state and balance sheet using information prepared by a bookkeeper.

There are also online booking companies, which have become very popular recently. Online bookkeeping allows your information to be kept and tabulated on the web. This will allow you to choose a bookkeeping company that does not necessarily live in your immediate area but somewhere else, as long as they have access to your paperwork and receipts regularly.

If you are a company who has a lot of mobile employees, they can scan and send receipts to the remote place and get reimbursed quickly. Also you if you have more than one office, online booking can be ideal. Most entries made are recorded and stored remotely and you can access the software anywhere in the world and check all of your entries.

If you decide to use bookkeeping services, ask your friends, professional peers or relatives if they have any recommendations. Before hiring anyone, make sure they have years of experience in the field and can provide you with references which you can call. Rates for bookkeepers can vary depending on the experience of the individual, the location of the business and the software used so make sure you use someone who is in your price range.

If you use an outside company to handle your accounts, you may save money in the end. If you are a small business, you do not need full time employees who handle your journals which mean you can save on payroll as well as overhead costs, which can free up your schedule and allow you to focus on important things instead of bookkeeping problems. You can allow professionals to handle your needs who can produce desired results efficiently and effectively.

If you choose to hire a company who specializes in bookkeeping, make sure you investigate them thoroughly to make sure they can meet your goals and expectations. Ultimately a good bookkeeping company can handle all of your bookkeeping needs and allow you time to focus on developing and running your business.

Author: Andrew Stratton

About the author:
Are you looking for professional bookkeeping help? New Orleans accounting company offers a network of superior services including bookkeeping and year-round business and personal taxes. For more information, visit

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Why Incorporate Your Business?

6:19 AM

Entrepreneurs embark on costly business ventures without first looking into the form of business that would be most suitable for them given their business experience and financial capability. Deciding on what legal form your venture is going to take will spell the difference when you experience difficulty in your business later on.

A businessman can choose from different business forms including sole or single proprietorship, partnership or a corporation. Each of these legal forms has their own advantages and disadvantages and a businessman should be well aware of their implications on his business venture.

Sole proprietorship is the easiest business venture to put up because you only have yourself to disagree with. This means you can go ahead with whatever plans you have and you can implement them anytime. It means that when your venture succeeds then you will reap all the financial rewards of your business. The sad fact is that this can also be a disadvantage since it can also mean that you will shoulder all the losses if the business fails.

A partnership will do well for business ventures that require more capital and more skills and expertise. You and your partner can concentrate on the different aspects of the business depending on your skills and talents. A partnership form of business means both you and your partner get to share your financial earnings and losses. However, there could be a problem if the business acquires debts because your creditors can run even after your personal money and not just after the capital infused into the business.

The most ideal, although complicated, type of doing business is the corporation. Incorporating your business would mean bringing in other people to the business. This would mean no decision can be reached without the agreement of the majority of the Board of Directors. The good thing about a corporation is the availability of vast financial resources for the business.

A corporation is a distinct legal entity from its incorporators and shareholders so that in case the business incurs debts, the share or stockholders will only answer for the debts depending on the shares they have in the corporation. This is called the theory of limited liability. The creditors will no longer have any right to seek payment from the personal finances of the stockholders.

A business can start as a sole proprietorship but the owner can chose to incorporate the business later as it grows. True, there are more documentation requirements for incorporating a business but the advantages of incorporating a business far outweigh the disadvantages.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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5 Tips About Buying Closeout Merchandise When You Own a Dollar Store

6:19 AM

One of the sure ways to create excitement in your store is to offer merchandise that just isn't available from your competition. The challenge for many is locating merchandise that provides an opportunity to make money for you while providing great deals for your customers. Closeout merchandise provides just that opportunity. In this article I present 5 tips about buying closeout merchandise when you own a dollar store.

1) Be patient. Locating and screening suppliers takes time and effort. If you are committed to locating the very best companies, then be patient and carefully screen each prospect. Don't be afraid to reject a company with questionable dealings. Keep searching until you locate the companies that are committed to you and your success.

2) Be persistent. Once you know the products you are seeking, don't expect the first phone call you make or the first email you send to result in the right products, the right prices and the right terms. Once you've identified quality companies, don't stop until you find exactly the products you seek. Many closeout and liquidation companies are happy to help you in the search.

3) Sign up for newsletters and product notices when available. What better way to learn the industry than to read their newsletters? What better way to find out about product availability than to receive updates? Newsletters and updates can quickly bring you up to speed about the marketplace and the low-cost products that are available in that marketplace. When you own a dollar store you'll find the time required is minimal when compared to the deals you soon be discovering.

4) Be creative. If you are having trouble locating the products you seek, then take a step back and start getting creative. Ask you preferred suppliers if they know of any other companies with those products. Ask your existing suppliers if they can help you locate those products. Don't forget to look for products directly from retailers who carry them. Many have a process they follow to liquidate merchandise - work to become a part of that process.

5) Buy test orders. You can't afford to make buying mistakes when you own a dollar store. Once you've found your supplier and product, buy a small test order to make sure everything is exactly as you expect. Once you know the quality, costs, and everything else is as expected, then go ahead and complete a larger order.

To the business success of those who own a dollar store!

Author: Bob Hamilton

About the author:
Find out how you can open your own dollar store business.
Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, author, writer, business consultant and trainer.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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How to Select a Facilitator

6:19 AM

Your choice of a facilitator can determine if the meeting is a success or a failure.

Use these questions to make sure that you are working with the right person.

> Is the person a professional facilitator?

There is more to facilitation than watching people talk. Facilitation is a complex activity requiring a special blend of sophisticated skills. You want someone who can identify the real goals for your meeting, plan an agenda that produces a result, guide people to find their best answers, and maintain a working environment for a fair process. That is, you want someone who specializes in helping people hold effective meetings. One clue comes from asking if the candidate facilitator is a member of the International Association of Facilitators. Dedicated professionals belong to the associations that serve their discipline.

> Has the person earned recognition as a facilitator?

The International Association of Facilitators grants the Certified Professional Facilitator designation based on a rigorous skill-based assessment. Candidates must pass 1) a lengthy written application describing their experience, 2) two oral exams conducted by certified examiners, and 3) a live demonstration of meeting facilitation where one of the examiners attempts to disrupt the meeting. You gain added assurance when you work with a CPF.

> Does the person understand meetings?

That is, does the candidate know how to set up, plan, and conduct an effective meeting? Does he know how to keep a meeting on track? Does she know how to maintain a productive, safe environment that allows the participants to work at their creative best?

> Does the person understand business?

You want a facilitator who understands the dynamics and challenges that occur in business. You want someone who can speak intelligently with your executives and staff. You want someone who has worked for a business and attended real business meetings.

> Does the person work hard to understand the purpose of your meeting?

If you talk to someone who seems too quick to accept your project, be cautious. A skilled facilitator will ask many questions to understand what you want before agreeing to help you. This helps identify if your meeting fits the facilitator's expertise -- some types of meetings may not. And it determines the amount of effort required.

> Does the person offer to help prepare an agenda?

The agenda is the blueprint for the meeting. Properly prepared, everything should work smoothly. A skilled facilitator will most likely spend more time preparing the agenda than facilitating the meeting.

> Does the person offer to talk to the participants?

Such conversations are essential. They reveal the participants' expectations and private agendas. They gather background information. And they serve to enlist the participants' support for the meeting.

> Does the person apply a variety of process tools?

Each meeting is different. And thus each meeting requires different process tools to obtain useful results. Some people use one process for everything - and while that can work in some cases, it is a significant limitation.

> Does the person tell you about your role in the meeting?

Certainly you want directions on how to set up the room, what resources to obtain, and how to maximize the effectiveness of your participation.

> Does the person charge a realistic fee?

Professional facilitators charge realistic fees that are consistent with the value of their work. A low fee, however, should serve as a warning. Beginners, amateurs, and part time entrepreneurs charge low fees. Realize that the most expensive part of a meeting is the cost of the participant's time. Saving money on a facilitator can ruin the meeting. On the other hand, a huge fee indicates that the person is either a celebrity or works for a firm with large overhead.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Advanced Payroll Solution Save Valuable Time and Money

6:19 AM

As the link to the article on finding a payroll solution shows, sure you can use you old payroll solution system but why not find a new payroll solution to manage payroll since it will help your bottom line? A new payroll solution program could begin saving quite a bit of time and money where it counts. Look to see if your payroll solution l system is slow or inefficient, as the article clearly states.

There is one company not mentioned in the article. HourDoc offers a payroll solution that is far superior to the competition. Many clients using the HourDoc payroll solution clearly state that these payroll solution HourDoc provides, help them save valuable time and money. HourDoc's payroll solution takes into account PTO, electronic timesheets and other valuable payroll solution features.

Well, one way of achieving ways to eliminate payroll inaccuracies and provide real-time visibility to employee absence information is through a payroll solution. These payroll solution systems are crucial to time and attendance management benefits, which the previous article clearly addresses by showing one of these advanced payroll solution options.

It amazes some people how even the simplest payroll solution saves them money. Choosing payroll solution systems that offer premium advanced payroll solution features allows better productivity. To ensure you have found the best payroll solution for the money, run a cost/benefit analysis of those payroll solution options.

Look deeper into payroll solution software. Find out which payroll solution you like. Discover which payroll solution price-point works. Read all articles about payroll solution and other publications in the payroll solution industry. Foresee any changes in payroll solution on the horizon and make sure you understand the payroll solution and the type of help/assistance you and your company seek.

Basically the article outlines how payroll solution software is key to making any advanced HR system or payroll solution software work. Once the payroll solution is chosen, you will see your payroll solution issues being addressed, as the payroll solution begins saving employee time.

No matter how similar they appear, all payroll solution options offer differing features. Some payroll solution platforms have room for electronic timesheets and scheduling whereas other payroll solution options help in HR payroll. Why, there is even a payroll solution that can keep track of reports. Whichever payroll solution you choose, be sure to request a demo of all the payroll solution features incorporated inside the payroll solution under scrutiny.

Payroll solution software is necessary. The payroll solution industry is becoming a force, as more companies choose payroll solution to handle their payroll solution needs. Basically, there can be human error caused when payroll solution data is transferred into the payroll solution system. Many common mistakes of importing data into payroll solution include math/addition, forgetting to double check what was put into the payroll solution system and various other mistakes that payroll solution programs eliminate.

If you are looking to make a switch, make sure the payroll solution option allows for full flexibility and payroll solution functionality. When looking around for a payroll solution, be aware of what your unique and specific payroll solution needs are to fill. There are many payroll solution systems available on the market, so choose wisely.

Well, one way of achieving ways to eliminate payroll inaccuracies and provide real-time visibility to employee absence information is through a payroll solution. These payroll solution systems are crucial to time and attendance management benefits, which the previous article clearly addresses by showing one of these advanced payroll solution options.

Not every payroll solution system has payroll solution gadgets blocking easy navigation through the payroll solution program. Often, a payroll solution system offers payroll solution options understood by the payroll solution end-user.

Yes, a payroll solution can be expensive, but not all payroll solution systems are. Companies eliminate mistakes in its payroll solution process by simply implementing payroll solution immediately. No matter what, any payroll solution will drastically increase payroll accuracy.

If you are looking to make a switch, make sure the payroll solution option allows for full flexibility and payroll solution functionality. When looking around for a payroll solution, be aware of what your unique and specific payroll solution needs are to fill. There are many payroll solution systems available on the market, so choose wisely.

Save money, order a good software solution. Save time, look into how a payroll solution can help you. Implement a modern payroll solution today.

Author: Steve Hyans

About the author:
BIO: Phillip Banks is director of marketing for and has twenty years experience in time management, communications and public relations. Banks firmly believes that any advanced time tracking system that offers electronic timesheets, automated PTO calculation, scheduling, overtime warning and tracking features and other payroll solutions will help save a company of any size valuable time in the HR department.
Payroll Solution

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Asset Management Software guide

6:19 AM

Asset management is the need of the hour. Any business dealing in manufacturing, distribution, physical sales, office or call center work has some physical and non-physical assets. The technique of choosing the appropriate equipment for a particular job, keep it functioning as long as possible and replacing it in a systematic way is the key to good management.

Today assets can be the means to some wonderful and lucrative ends. So asset management is no less than an art and can be stated as a comprehensive and structured approach to the long-term management of assets as tools for the efficient and effective delivery of community benefits.

Managing one's assets requires firstly an identification of need for the asset in accordance with the community requirements. Secondly you have to see the provision of the asset including its current maintenance and rehabilitation as per your needs. Third is the operation of the asset while the fourth is the disposal of the asset when it is no longer needed or beneficial in any way.

Due to a surge in the involvement of people in asset management task, various companies have come up with asset management software. Asset management software maintains a record of all the assets you wish to monitor. It is designed to manage assets, contracts, purchases and vendors at an economical price. Asset management software keeps a record of hardware, licenses, leasing information and so forth. It also guides as to which new equipment needs to be purchased, the quantity of equipment owned and when leases are up.

Asset management software is of a great use. There are quite a few benefits of implementing an asset management software solution. For instance the asset management allows the automation of processes rather than manually creating paper trails that can be torn or lost, it also tracks your company's software assets and licenses, provides management reports on companies assets, track company leases and hardware material, minimizes the expense especially by reducing the total ownership cost and serves as a user interface for the people to track their assets. The asset management software also integrates with incident and problem management, change and configuration management, service level management and other related Business Service Management processes straight out of the box.

There are three different kinds of asset management software-

a) Inquisitive- software is designed to interrogate or query the IT systems and identifies hardware configurations or peripherals or operating system and other software.

b) Repository- software organizes the collected data and stores it to allow an easy access for reporting and analysis.

c) Automated data collection type of asset management software tracks, records accurate data in time.

The asset management software comes in different packages. While choosing such a software package check out the functionality you need or the kind of task that you want the software to perform. Then take a look at the price and benefit of the package over the others. Also consider the package from the number of users perspective. Here you should bear in mind the overwriting risk of multiple users having the same files open at a given time. You should also know what is the scalability of the software, that can it cater to new avenues in countries other than your own and last but not the least you must find out if the software works with ITIL best practices.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Set an Action Plan in Time Management

6:19 AM

Do you have an action plan in your time management scheme? Last night while writing these articles, I had to check myself. The last thing I want to do is tell the readers how to manage time and be a hypocrite. The writing of these articles is rewarding since I realized that managing your time includes using your intelligence and skills, as well as putting an action plan into play. Action plans are lists of responsibilities that instruct a person 'to carry out to achieve an objective.'

The list centers on the goals immediately needing achievement on demand. The list or action plan enables you to center your attention on the specific obligations required of you. The marketplace has several software programs that help those of us that have busy schedules and time management is a struggle. The software's available provide tools for storing names, addresses, SS# and other important information in a secure filing cabinet.

Many of the large companies are wise to invest in this type of software, since it is a source for managing time. However if you own a smaller company, the software programs are often expensive so you might want to resort to some of the software programs that offer similar tools for organizing, such as Microsoft Outlook, to manage your time. Microsoft Outlook has book organizers, address books, and other tools sufficient enough to help smaller businesses manage their business.

If you are storing files on your computer, be sure to backup your data so nothing is lost. Backups are essential for protecting important documents, and if spares you headaches if your hard drive fails, and your data is lost. If you are, storing data on discs or other storage mediums be sure to include a file name that you will remember. For example, if you are storing birth certificates or identifications in a file, name the file accordingly. This will help you stay organized, and ahead of the game. File extensions are connecting files to a particular file.

Therefore, if you have outdated files, you might want to add a few extensions and label the file accordingly. This will help you get right to the important documents, and have the piece of mind you need if the outdated documents require reopening. If you have documents, lying around or in your computer that you no longer need, make sure this is true and toss them in the garbage. Why hang on to something that you will not need again?

Wasted documents take up time and space in the sense that if you are searching for a document and continue to stumble on papers you no longer need, it is a waste of time. Most business requires maximum speed on computers. Moreover, when you are storing outdated files, your action in time management plan is out of socket. Getting ahead is organizing and tossing what is wasting space. Getting the ball rolling is an action plan that results with time management.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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Small Businesses Benefit From Web Competition

6:19 AM

While word of mouth attracted new users, it was not until it won Best Family Web site in last year's WebAward competition that things took off for the Family Cookbook Project.

With its Web site, Family Cookbook Project, the small business helps families and groups create and print personalized cookbooks to share and treasure. The simple-to-use site automates the process of gathering and formatting recipes into a family heirloom.

'We were very excited to win a WebAward from the Web Marketing Association, but we had no idea the visibility it would create for our site,' said publisher Richard Lowell. 'All of a sudden we went from being a good, useful Web site that people talked about to their friends to having the credibility of being an award-winning Web site.'

The international WebAward competition sets the standard of excellence in 96 industry categories by evaluating Web sites and defining benchmarks based on the seven essential criteria of successful Web site development. The factors the Web Marketing Association says are critical to a site's success are: design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use.

The goal of the Web Marketing Association is to provide a forum to recognize the people and organizations responsible for developing some of the most effective Web sites on the Internet today. Entrants benefit from a Web site assessment by a professional judging panel and the marketing opportunities that go along with an award-winning Web site.

'As a small-business owner, I need to leverage every marketing dollar I have,' Lowell said. 'Participating in an award program like the WebAwards not only created a wonderful marketing opportunity, but we received valuable feedback that will help us make our Web site even better.'

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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To Team or Not To Team

6:20 AM

Everyone thinks teams are a good thing. Leaders like to form teams. People, for the most part believe in the value and purpose of teams . . .

All of us are smarter than each of us.

1 + 1 = 3

. . . are just two common phrases that reinforce and prove how pervasive our belief in teams is.

And that belief is justified.


There are many times in our civic or church groups, and in our businesses and professional associations that we need teams of people to work on an issue or a project. And sometimes we would be better off without a team - with individuals contributing as individuals.


No team?

You got it.

At least not the type of team you probably think of, when you think of a team.

Two Basic Types of Teams

To keep things simple, I believe there are two basic types of teams. There are basketball teams and there are track and field teams.

Basketball Teams

Basketball teams (or soccer or hockey) are teams that require, by the nature of their task, that everyone play as one unit. On teams in these sports the players are interdependent. At any moment of any game, in order to be successful, the entire team needs to be working in harmony. The role of each player is designated by their position (which takes into account their innate strengths and acquired skills). However, the situation at any moment during the flow of the game, may require any player to take any role.

And on good teams of this sort, all players are willing to be flexible, to assist, to change roles, to 'do what it takes'. Because they know that without working together, they can't achieve their team goals of victory. The nature of the game forces interdependency among the team members.

Track and Field Teams

Players on track and field teams on the other hand (except in a few relay events) are not interdependent, they are independent. Shot putters have a skill set that is largely unrelated to the sprinters. And the high jumpers can be personally skilled and successful without any tangible help or support from the distance runners.

At the end of the day (or meet), the team can win if enough of the individuals do well. In other words if enough individuals win, the team will win. The most successful of these teams will have highly talented individual contributors, supporting each other to reach their common goal of winning. In this way they are definitely a team. They may feel allegiance to the group. They certainly can have pride in being a part of the group. They want each other to be successful. They know that they can all be more successful when each individual is more successful. They can have a common goal (to win the meet or championship). But the fundamental relationship between the players isn't the same as it is on a basketball team.

What This Means to Us

In our organizations we most likely have both sorts of teams. We have teams that work in a process flow or project where the outputs of one person directly affect the work of the next - where the work and the people are highly interdependent.

We also have teams that look more like the track and field team. In these situations people are working toward a common mission and goal, but their work doesn't intersect in nearly the same ways as for the highly interdependent teams.

Fair enough you say.

But in my experience, we tend to want all teams to think they are basketball teams. If the work or project dictates that focus, great. But if you have a track and field (independent) team, you don't need the same focus on interdependence and traditional 'team building' activities.

What Do We Do Now?

If you lead a team or form teams or are just a member of a team, you need to think about and talk about this distinction. Determine across the team (or future team) what type of team you are. Once there is agreement on the type of team you are, you can begin to set the right kinds of expectations for each other and for yourself. You can build more appropriate plans for training, development and team building.

Knowing which type of team your work or project dictates is the first step towards helping that group of people be more successful and the work being done successfully.

So maybe it isn't really, 'to team or not to team?', but 'which type of team?'

. . . that is the question.

Answer that one first. And, using the answer as a guide, watch all of your teams be more successful.

Article source: Free Management Articles.

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